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Getting started

Creating an entity

All entity classes must implement the IEntityBase interface. Per default, all ids must be converted to type string.

Partition Key

Each entity should define a partition key property, which identifies which entities should be stored closely together to improve the read performance.

The partition key property is indicated by the PartitionKey attribute:

Partition Key sample
public Guid TenantId { get; set; }

In case that you can't identify a partition key property, because all your entities are global, it's mandatory to define a dummy partition key property, which has always the same value. We already provide a solution for that:

Global Partition Key sample
using Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.Core.Attributes;
using Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.Core.Constants;

public string PartitionKey { get; set; } = PartitionKeyDefaults.GlobalPartition;
Pro Tip

Use the GlobalEntityBase class as base class to get the default partition key included.

Sample entity implementation

using Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.Core.Abstractions;
using Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.Core.Attributes;

public class User : EntityBase
public Guid TenantId { get; set; }

public string Firstname { get; set; }

public User()
TenantId = Guid.Empty;
Firstname = string.Empty;

Declaring the Repository Interface

using Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.Core.Abstractions;

public interface IUserRepository : IDatabaseRepository<User>

Repository options

Using the RepositoryOptions attribute you can customize the following options for a repository:

enableSoftDeleteControls, if the repository should use soft-delete by defaulttrue if entity implements ISoftDeletable
false if entity not implements ISoftDeletable
using Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.Core.Abstractions;
using Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.Core.Attributes;

[RepositoryOptions(enableSoftDelete: true)]
public interface IUserRepository : IDatabaseRepository<User>

Initializing a Repository


// create database client factory
IDatabaseClientFactory databaseClientFactory = new CosmosDatabaseClientFactory("CONNECTION_STRING_HERE", "DATABASE_NAME");

// create database repository factory
var databaseRepositoryFactory = new DatabaseRepositoryFactory(databaseClientFactory);

// initialize a repository instance
var repository = databaseRepositoryFactory.CreateInstance<IUserRepository>();


CosmosDB repository factory
var repository = CosmosDatabaseRepositoryFactory.CreateInstance<IUserRepository>(
InMemory repository factory
var repository = InMemoryDatabaseRepositoryFactory.CreateInstance<IUserRepository>();
MongoDB repository factory
var repository = MongoDatabaseRepositoryFactory.CreateInstance<IUserRepository>(

Dependency Injection

// create database client factory
IDatabaseClientFactory databaseClientFactory = new CosmosDatabaseClientFactory("CONNECTION_STRING_HERE", "DATABASE_NAME");

// add repository instance to DI